A Nearby Hike

I decided to enjoy my lunch outdoors the other day. While out there, a co-worker came walking by. He had just walked over to visit his parents, who live across the street (Post Rd.) from our office. I commented about the wooded area next to their property. "Oh yeah! It's a great place. We used to sled down that hill over there!" He then gave me a tour of his childhood stomping grounds.

"Indian Run creek", a tributary to the Scioto River, meanders alongside of Post Rd. Sheltered from the road by a line of trees, the banks of Indian Run are
marked with Cypress trees (the Baldcypress, I believe) and "their distinctive knees" are visible along its banks. I will certainly be revisiting this area again with my camera soon. Stay tuned...

The name "Indian Run" is quite commonly used in the city of Dublin (schools, parks, churches, etc.). And Dublin has a number of parks, some with hiking trails, that I'll have to spend some future lunches exploring.
Indian Run Falls looks like a must-see as well.

Disclaimer: Duration of lunch "hours" subject to change without notice during future visits to these locations.

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