Spring Break hiking...

Jesse is off school for Spring Break right after Easter, so we are off to warming weather. And new hiking trails! We will spend a couple days with our in-laws (who live in South Carolina) at Mistletoe State Park in northern Georgia.

BTW, Travis is home from Air Force Basic Training, so he will have a chance to go along too! We're excited. We weren't sure if he would be able to go, so Jesse had already invited a friend, Emily. And Travis has decided to bring along his girlfriend, Lea. It will be a loaded van, and loads of fun.

Stay tuned for riveting play-by-play updates. Oh, wait, I'll be at a State Park, so:
  • chances for taking breathtaking pictures: high
  • my ability to actually take breathtaking pictures: average
  • taking time to "blog" from Mistletoe Cottage #8 on Clarks Hill Lake: average
  • chances of even finding a wireless signal in order to blog: low
  • chances of me wanting to get on my laptop: average (depending on the signal strength)
  • chances my wife will let me get on my laptop: low (regardless of signal strength!)

1 comment:

Bill said...

Look forward to a full trip report!